Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Reaction to War Horse

I just got back from seeing Steven Spielberg's War Horse movie. My reaction: It's alright. It's not anything I haven't seen before. The basic plot is the classic A Boy and his X trope, in this case, a horse, who are torn apart by a dumb drunk dad and World War I. Will they ever get back together again? I won't spoil it for you, because you already know the answer.

But I would say it's still worth saying, because it isn't all that bad. A good portion of it is pretty good. Just know what you are getting into. I've already told my friends that it's Tear Jerker: The Movie, but in hindsight, I'd say it's more Secretariat: Call of Duty.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Game of Thrones Preview

On the suggestion of a friend of mine, I picked up a copy of A Game of Thrones at a book sale at a library.  I shall write a full review upon finishing it.

The prologue was engaging and intriguing. My one complaint about starting with prologues is that I tend to get attached to the characters and then we are introduced to our hero/protagonist. And AGOT has A LOT of characters. Just glancing through various chapters has made my head spin.  But the first three chapters I have read are extremely interesting and I hope the book continues to be good.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Hello and Welcome! I'm you're host, the Broke Reviewer! I have opinions, and I'm not afraid to share them! Join me on my little journey into the world of online reviews!